Headache Pain Reduction

According to a  National Health Interview (2018) survey, there are about 1 in 6 Americans who have reportedly had a headache or migraine at least once during the three months prior to completing the NHI survey. Dr. David Salkin, who has an office serving the Upper East Side of Manhattan and surrounding neighborhoods, can play an integral role in providing the headache relief you seek if you experience acute or chronic migraines or headaches.

Chiropractor Care and Headache Relief

Chiropractors often play an important and central role in alleviating/preventing pain that occurs from various headache types -  

Tension Headaches

These are caused by muscle tension or stress and are the most common kind of headache. Chiropractors provide the following diverse and complementary techniques to reduce headache pain –

  • Spinal adjustments.
  • Soft-tissue therapies.
  • Lifestyle guidance/posture advice to treat underlying musculoskeletal conditions and symptoms.

These techniques focus on relaxing the tension in your neck, upper back, and shoulders — areas often responsible for triggering a tension headache.

Migraine Headaches

Scientific researchers do not fully understand the primary cause of migraine headaches, but many theories suggest migraines are the result of a mix of factors - including vascular or neurological changes. People with migraines often experience relief or improved symptoms from chiropractic adjustments and related complementary therapies.

Cervicogenic Headaches

Structural problems in the neck region trigger this type of headache. A cervicogenic headache could be referred from muscle tension in the neck or due to a subluxed joint putting pressure on the surrounding tissues. Chiropractic treatment options may include -

  • Chiropractic manipulations and adjustments - These adjustments can help reduce neck and upper back strain and alleviate headache triggers.
  • Mobilizations.
  • Therapeutic exercises related to the cervical spine to help relieve headache and migraine pain and symptoms.

Poor Posture/Ergonomically Triggered Headaches

Poor posture can be a source of tension in soft tissues or overburden joints. Chiropractors can assist by providing lifestyle, posture, and ergonomic direction and advice.

Chiropractic Care for Headache Pain Reduction and Relief

Chiropractors are skilled in treating headache symptoms and the root cause of pain. After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Salkin will design a personalized plan to manage your headaches and related symptoms.

Contact a Leading New York City Chiropractor Near You for Headache Relief

For more information, contact Dr. David Salkin or a professional member of our team at our East End Avenue location – on New York City’s Upper East Side at 212-249-1476 or online.

We look forward to helping you create your best pain-free life.

Office Hours

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10:00 am-1:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm




10:00 am-1:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm







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